
How have I been a mum for six months already?

At 7.28am on the 23rd May 2016, weighing 6lb 5oz’s; Benjamin Robert Harris was born. I have previously written about Ben’s birth, and his week in the NICU which you can read here…

I have also been very open with my struggles with Post-Natal Depression and currently after feeling like I was making progress, I find myself on a downward spiral and not sure how to pull myself out.

So here I am writing as Ben has hit the six month mark trying to reminisce to reassure myself the past few months have not been as bad as I thought.



Once Ben was out of the hospital, hubby was home for a couple of weeks so the initial period of adjustment wasnt too bad. We seemed to be pretty organised apart from hubby’s consistance failed attempts at putting nappy’s on. I got frustrated at him as I asked him to have a go at the antenatal class but he told me he could do it. But he couldn’t. The more he couldnt get the hang of it, the more he got stressed, then Ben picked up on his dads vibes and got stressed, pretty much crying everytime hubby went to do his nappy.

After talking to the inlaws I realised I was approaching this issue all wrong but getting stressed and taking over. So I learnt to let hubby do it in his own time and by his own way and then finally it clicked!



Once the first month was over, Hubby returned to work and I became aware of my depression. I couldnt say it was baby blues anymore and the cow milking sessions became more unbearable. With horrendous broken sleep, I tried to plod on. I had Thursday morning play dates with two of my friends and their girls which was a breath fresh air as I knew they understood how I felt. They warned me about the dreaded jabs but Ben wasn’t actually fussed about them at all, it was like water off of a ducks back.

In terms of feeding, we ended up putting Ben on a combination diet of formula and expressed boob milk due to issues with mastitis and such. Eventually my milk dried up and Ben was solely on Formula.



The main milestone for the third month was introducing Ben to solids, well purée to be precise. Although we knew it was super early to do this, drinking over 40oz’s daily obviously meant he was ready for food!



Ben had his first holiday in September. We went to Cornwall for a week and he loved it. We went swimming, walked ALOT. (actually me and hubby did, Ben sat in his buggy) and went to many beautiful beaches.

This is also the month the blog came to life so Ben became used to the camera more as my Instagram usage increased.



Ben loves his music, always has done. But this month was the month that we realised how important it is to him. At four months we started to play music at bath times, when changing his nappy and he even likes to watch the music channels!


Halloween is mine and hubbys favourite time of year and of course we’re hoping Ben will love it too! This year unfortunately hubby was called out so we went trick or treating with Ben’s cousins; however Dr Frankenstein and his little monster costume was super cute! I also made an awesome Mummy (ahaha get it)



Last month Ben managed to finally master rolling over and sitting up all in the same month! He also learned how good Little Mix’s music is and how fun washing machines are to watch. Oh and he also learned that Leo loves to be stroked so their relationship is developing which is just so adorable to watch!


So now Ben is six months old, that’s half a year that I have been a mother! I am very much looking forward to seeing what the next six months have in store for Ben!


Diary of an imperfect mum
Dear Bear and Beany
A Cornish Mum
Post Comment Love
Admissions Of A Working Mother
DIY Daddy Blog
The Pramshed
Happy Now Link Up
What Katy Said
Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday
DreamandSparkle Linky
Sparkles & Stretchmarks Sunday Best
My Random Musings
Marvellous Mondays badge by Hello Archie
Diary of An Imperfect Mum
One Messy Mama
3 Little Buttons
Mudpie Fridays
Mummy Fever - Share With Me

50 thoughts on “How have I been a mum for six months already?

  1. Congratulations on reaching 6 months! I felt 6 months was a real turning point for me – I found the first 6 a real struggle but it all started falling into place from then on. I love how you can see him growing up in these photos, he’s such a cutie! Thanks for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove


  2. Hi, post natal depression is not something to be taken lightly, so look after yourself. Ben does look like a happy chappie and to have had his first holiday already is some achievement (on your part!). I confess to putting my two in front of the washing machine when they were small (I also used to tie a lightweight scarf to the fan – well out of reach – in summer, which would keep them mesmerised for a bit).

    Thank you for linking up with the #MMBC.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. The scarf on a fan is a genius idea! His bouncer is right next to the washing machine so you can guess what he’ll be doing tomorrow hahaha!
      Whenever my PND feels like it’s getting too much I just remind myself how well behaved he is and how much people compliment him and that’s partially down to me and it makes me a bit better! Xx


  3. I am sorry to hear that you are struggling 😦 But this post just shows that you have a beautiful, happy boy and you’re doing a fantastic job at being his mummy! My eldest LOVED the washing machine too! 🙂 Keep smiling and be kind to yourself – you’re doing just great, and he’s gorgeous! Thank you for sharing! #KCACOLS


  4. Babies really do love music don’t they! And definitely good move with the nappy. Everyone has to learn in their own way. #sharingthebloglove

    Liked by 1 person

  5. it goes so fast doesn’t it! my 3 are 6 1/2 41/2 and 10 months and it doesn’t seem 2 minutes that my first born was coming up to his first Christmas and was 7 months old xx #KCACOLS


  6. Such a lovely post. The first 6 months goes so fast doesn’t it. Your pictures are super cute. My daughter is almost 2 and a half now and I don’t know where the time has gone..

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Despite your struggles with PND, it sounds like it’s been a wonderful 6 months. My daughter loved music channels from about 4 months. She still enjoys them today but now she skips and dances around to them. Hope you have an awesome time for the next 6 months! #DreamTeam


  8. Ben is super cute! The first 6 months are hard no matter what and even worse when you have time in NICU and suffer from from PND. I’ve faced both of these things too. But I can see from your post that you’re finding lots of positive moments along the way. Soon he’ll be on the move and showing his little personality more and more. It will be exciting times. Probably still hard too, but in different ways. Variety is the spice of life 😉 Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. My second is 6 months next week. It has gone fast. Sorry you are struggling with PND. I think babies get a bit easier every 3 months. I’m hoping my little girl gets easier soon. I’m struggling with sleep deprivation! Your little boy looks adorable. I can’t believe how much formula he was drinking before solids! Ready for solids indeed. We’ve only just started our baby but I’m guessing she’s a lot smaller (under 14lbs). #bloggerclubuk


  10. I know it’s a clche to say that time flies, but it certainly does! I don’t want to stop having babies because i don’t feel like i got enough time with them as time babies….time is so precious, live and love every moment! #GlobalBlogging


  11. The time goes way too quickly, my boys are almost 11 and 12 now crazily! Don’t be hard on yourself you sound like a great Mum and the hormones from pregnancy last for a long time afterwards, babies aren’t easy to cope with at times and everyone just does their best lovely. I really hope you start to feel a lot happier, your little man is so cute.

    Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix Stevie x


  12. Wow, 6 months. That is such a fun age! I remember how difficult those early months were. Having a support system is so important! i remember my kids spending ages in front of the washing machine… Good times! Thanks for sharing – hang in there! #globalblogging

    Liked by 1 person

  13. The time really runs away with you doesn’t it! Piglet is 9 months old now which is crazy. He had the same little monster costume for halloween 🙂 #kcacols


  14. Oh Ben is just gorgeous!! I love this post it’s such a good way to remember some key things and a positive post too. Wow 40oz that’s load he was a hungry little boy eh. Anyway congrats on your first six months of being mummy you’re doing amazing and you’re little boy is just lovely!! Thanks for sharing at #familyfun xx


  15. The first few months are so hard, actually I really started enjoying being a mum at around 6/7 months because my son started to become a little person. He is now 11 months and has a personality it’s amazing! I’m sorry you have struggled with PND, I know how hard this can be. I can’t wait for the next 6 month update, the next few months are going to be great! Thanks for sharing with #StayClassyMama!


  16. Congratulations and gorgeous pics! I can’t tell you it gets easier. Every stage of parenting has its many challenges but I can tell you it’s worth it! All of my children have posed different challenges at a range of ages and then of course along the way come the other challenges of life in general, but it’s the children that make the other things bearable. Good luck but most of all enjoy it because you will never have these days again xx thanks for linking to #sharewithme


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